Making (Module 3)

In the final stage of making our D.A., we saw our project come together much better than anticipated. Although we still haven’t gotten the audience interaction or reach we hoped to, we’ve still progressed our podcast more than expected.

Our project beta went well and we got further feedback we’ve implemented to continue progressing our project.

Our project followed F.I.S.T. (Fast, Inexpensive, Simple, Tiny) the whole time we worked on it as we wanted to make sure that, firstly, we followed as much of the criteria for the D.A. as possible and secondly, that we didn’t get too lost in making something we were inexperienced in.

As our Tutorial Guide for BCM114 states:

#bcm114 introduces you to key concepts in digital media making. The primary aim of the subject is to encourage experimentation and a speculative approach to media making. The secondary objective of the subject is to expose all BCM students to fundamental concepts in media making, including ideation, rapid prototyping and feedback-based iteration.

This has run true to my experience with this course and this project, as I feel I’ve been introduced to making a new type of media making (podcasting). Experimentation was a big aspect of how we progressed our D.A., as we went through different ideas for content, presentation, and logos throughout the 12 weeks we’ve worked on it. We also had to follow all the concepts of media making (as noted above) as without it was almost impossible to properly develop the artifact without doing so.

The making of the podcast after the Beta was no different to when we were prototyping apart from the fact we had a better idea of the direction our podcast was heading, making it more enjoyable to make and also much easier.


The making of our podcast generally goes like this:

  1. Find a topic to talk about / find people willing to have a beer and be on our podcast
  2. Record the podcast (generally runs around 15-20 minutes unedited)
  3. Edit podcast (takes around 30-45 minutes max)
  4. Upload to YouTube


Where to now?

Now that the Digital Artefact project has been completed I don’t think we’ll continue to make podcasts, not for now at least. Our audience definitely isn’t big enough to make it worthwhile (we currently have 3 Twitter followers, 2 Instagram followers and 7 YouTube followers) but I would definitely take the opportunity to recycle the idea for another project or use it in a different way if I had to.


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